Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Welcome Home USS Gettysburg

Father and son reunite
 Oh the Gettysburg Homecoming.. A homecoming that will defiantly go down in history as my most stressful one. lol I had done a homecoming earlier that day right across the street. When I was done with that one my mission was to head over and complete the next.. Well I think I was the only one in Mayport that "DIDN'T" know the Vice President was coming to town and would be on base at this specific homecoming. I drove around base for over an hour looking for parking and couldn't find a single spot! I rolled down my windows and heard the sound that normally is the greatest thing to hear during a homecoming and thats the other ships blowing their horns, letting us know there is a ship insight and they are coming home! I totally went into panic mode. My client had won the first kiss and her husband would be the first off the ship and I was nowhere insight to capture that. If it wasn't for Trista, I would have never made it. She took my car and drove around until she found parking so I could be there to capture this special day. I ran so fast being stopped by secret agents, but all I cared about was flashing my military ID and making it there in time. Not only was I there in time, but I was also able to provide something most would never see or get in a lifetime and thats a picture of her and Vice President Joe Biden.. As her husband was exiting the ship, there was no hidden emotions. He was the happiest man on earth.. That smile on his face was enough to light up the world! He gave his beautiful wife a kiss, one she has been waiting seven "LONG" months for.. When he was reunited with his children, I looked over at his son and just broke down inside. Deployments take a tremendous toll on the families, but never in all the homecomings I have ever done have I seen such an emotional reunite from father and son. You could hear him crying out, "My Daddy, My Daddy". That was enough for me to snap a couple of pictures and look away as tears rolled down my face! As I collected myself I can just see the joy on this family's face.. Their family was finally complete and all he wanted was some "GOOD FOOD".. Though it started out to be super stressful, it had a happy fairytale ending. Thank you so much to you and your family and all you sacrifice for our freedom.. Welcome Home Shipmate.. Welcome Home!
Vice President Joe Biden


Happy to be home

First Kiss

Its doesn't get much cuter than this! Well these are my beautiful nieces so I am a little bias :)  Last time I was home visiting I was able to take some pictures of them. It's amazing how much they have grown and have developed their own little personalities.. Mackenzie is my sisters oldest. She is the only one out of the three that looks exactly like my sister. She is so grown up for her age. She's almost five years old and such a young lady already. She is going to be such the mama bear. The wise one of the three! Then you have the twins.. Miley and Madison, almost 4 years old and super cute! Miley is the blonde hair blue eye baby of the bunch. She's the little DIVA.. I can see her being the one that gives my sister some gray Oh and then there is Madison. She is so tiny, but has the biggest heart.. She will love on you all day long if you let her! She has the super sweet personality and I think will be the easiest for my sister through the years. Very intelligent and a people pleaser. These are my three beautiful nieces.. I am super sad to be moving so far away from them. I think whats going to hurt the most is not seeing them grow and be apart of that, but if they're anything like my sister, I know they will grow up into beautiful, caring and intelligent young ladies. Thank god for technology and skype. At least I will get to see their beautiful faces often, even if we're 3,000 miles apart. Auntie loves you guys <3




Le Blanc Family

 The beautiful Le Blanc family! Trista and Ryan were my first homecoming I have ever done.. I can still remember it like yesterday. The overwhelming excitement from the crowd and a little boy so anxious to see his daddy. I remember little James saying, "why is everyone screaming"?.. He didn't quite understand what was going on, but as soon as his daddy exited that ship he ran so fast and hugged him so tight.. I have never seen a little boy smile so big and so much as I did that day. He melted my heart! During our tour in Mayport, I have been blessed to be able to capture some special moments and memories for this family. We had so much fun during their family shoot. You really get to see what a family is all about when you get them together, especially for pictures. What I was able to capture was friendship, love and admiration... Somethings people often forget, but the keys to a strong marriage and loving family. Trista and Ryan were also my Valentines Day contest winners. They had to post a story on my page and let everyone know how they met, Their "Love Story".. Needless to say they wouldn't keep their hands off each other, just kidding, but truly these two are madly in love and you don't need my pictures to show you that. You can clearly see it when they're together. Thank You so much for allowing me to be apart of your lives this past year! Good Luck to you and your family on your many journeys..

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Welcome Home Petty Officer Parman

The picture above should explain it all.. The look on a little girls face after seeing her father for the first time in seven months. He still melts her heart the same way! Such happy emotions for this family and all that were able to welcome their spouses home that day. Homecomings are amongst my favorite to capture. I was so blessed to be able to be apart of this homecoming. Not only was it my first helicopter homecoming, but it was one of my good friends too. To see the look on her and her daughters faces when that helicopter landed was priceless. Not every day do people get to be apart of something like that.. Thanks to you both for serving our country and the sacrifices you all make. Enjoy your family Petty Officer Parman and Welcome Home!